Activates the line ripple.
Adds a class to the root Element.
Only implement if outline element exists. Closes notch in outline element.
Deactivates the line ripple.
Deregisters an event listener on the native input element for a given event.
Deregisters an event handler on the root element for a given event.
Disconnects a validation attribute observer on the input element.
Only implement if label exists. Floats the label above the input element if shouldFloat is true.
Only implement if label exists.
width of label in pixels.
The native <input>
element, or an object with the same shape.
Note that this method can return null, which the foundation will handle gracefully.
true if the root element contains the given class name.
true if label element exists, false if it doesn't.
true if outline element exists, false if it doesn't.
true if the textfield is focused. We achieve this via document.activeElement === this.root_
Only implement if outline element exists.
Registers an event listener on the native input element for a given event.
Registers an event handler on the root element for a given event.
Registers a validation attribute change listener on the input element. Handler accepts list of attribute names.
Removes a class from the root Element.
Sets the transform origin of the line ripple.
Only implement if label exists. Shakes label if shouldShake is true.
Generated using TypeDoc
Defines the shape of the adapter expected by the foundation. Implement this adapter for your framework of choice to delegate updates to the component in your framework of choice. See architecture documentation for more details.